The Big Deal

Year 2019
Genre comedy
Age 12+
Duration 83 min.
Production companies: Emotion Pictures, Renovatio, Russian World Vision
Produced by Vladimir Polyakov, Georgy Malkov, Konstantin Elkin
Directed by Mikhail Raskhodnikov
Written by Tikhon Kornev, Pavel Ruminov, Maxim Romantsov
Composers: Ilya Andrus, Alexander Billion
Operator: Stanislav Sharkov
Starring (leading roles): Vladimir Vdovitchenkov, Valentina Lyapina, Vladimir Sychev

Vadim Dyumin, the owner of a huge retail chain, is the best in his field and is used to getting his way by any means necessary. Charm and a clever plan help him find a Chinese investor who is ready to become a partner in Vadim's company, which was once registered in his mother's name. The multi-million-dollar deal is ready to be signed, but an unexpected problem arises. Mom recently died and, as it turns out, left a will, according to which the shares of the retail chain should be transferred to her granddaughter, Vadim's daughter, whom he left when she was 2 years old and did not maintain relations with her in any way. Now Vadim must go to his small hometown, find his ex-wife and daughter, and convince them to disinherit about half a billion dollars.