Singapore digest news (28.08-01.09)

Singapore's Presidential election will be held on Friday - September 1
Candidates for the position of President of Singapore: former Senior Minister and former Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, financier Ng Kok Song and businessman Tan Kin Lian. The President is elected under a first-past-the-post system, with the candidate who receives the most votes winning the election. On polling day, voters can cast their ballots from 8am to 8pm. Singaporeans living overseas and registered as overseas voters may vote at their allocated polling stations overseas.
Singapore workers are the world’s fastest in adopting AI skills
The report, which drew data from 25 countries, found that Singapore has the highest “diffusion rate” — the share of members adding AI skills to their profiles grew 20 times from January 2016. That’s significantly higher than the global average of eight times.
Singapore companies to get more help with breaking into Asean markets
The Singapore Business Federation (SBF) on Thursday renewed and expanded the scope of an agreement with UOB to support the internationalisation of Singapore businesses, particularly in the Asean region. Among other things, both organisations will be able to cross-refer requests for assistance, including for in-market investment advice, talent solutions, relevant service providers and credible local contacts.
Singapore has come up with micro gyms for fitness classes
In Singapore, due to the high population density and weather conditions, it is extremely difficult to find a place to exercise. Local entrepreneurs have set up bright yellow containers with an area of 13 to 18 square meters all over the city, in which they have arranged microgyms with a basic set of fitness equipment, treadmills, a virtual instructor and automated systems, and most importantly, with air conditioning.
2023-08-31 16:03