RSBC took part in a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

On March 22, 2023, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation hosted a meeting with the heads of business councils, which promote cooperation between the business communities of Russia and other countries. The participants discussed key activities planned for the current year, issues of cooperation between business councils and ministries and agencies, and work on preparing documents regulating the activities of these councils.

Since 1992, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has set up over 70 business councils, the largest network of business associations on the external perimeter. According to the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin, despite the current geopolitical situation, none of councils was liquidated at the initiative of participants from other countries, although in some areas the cooperation went into "sleeping mode".

Nowadays the most important objectives of the business councils are to identify systemic problems and additional reserves in trade and economic relations with partner countries and to bring information about the needs of business to state structures.

Russia-Singapore Business Council (RSBC) was represented by its Chairman Nikolay Volobuev. The leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation highly appreciated the work of the RSBC.

"Within the conditions of serious changes in the economic and political situation the formats of work through the partner network in the regions, trade houses and digital platforms are of particular importance. In 2022 RSBC has significantly expanded its presence in the Asia-Pacific Region, having created an efficient distributed trade, engineering and manufacturing infrastructure in the interests of the Russian business. Of particular importance are the formats of work through the partner network in the regions, trade houses and digital platforms. Today the centers of regional presence are located in Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the UAE and are linked by partnerships with local high-tech industrial and manufacturing companies, design bureaus and research institutes. Participation in industry associations, cultural and business events in the region, such as Russian Film Week, and Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue are important tools for forming business ties. Equally important in meeting current challenges is the RSTrade B2B Platform. RSTrade has been implementing the project to create the Platform since 2015. The aim of the project is to create an international trading platform in Russia by 2030 in line with the best international practices, which will allow to form a permanent global digital presence of the Russian high-tech business in the region," said RSBC Chairman Nikolay Volobuev.
2023-03-23 15:47