Singapore digest news (24.07-29.07)

Singapore, Hong Kong reinforces ties with 7 new MOUs signed

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee visited Singapore as part of a week-long ASEAN trip.

Organisations in Singapore and Hong Kong signed seven memorandum of understanding (MOUs) covering various areas such as business promotion, fintech, innovation and entrepreneurship, decarbonisation, and research and development.


Microzals for fitness classes were built in Singapore

In Singapore, local entrepreneurs have installed bright yellow containers with an area of ​ ​ 13 to 18 square meters. In which they arranged microzals with a basic set of simulators, treadmills, a virtual instructor and automated systems.

According to the Ministry of Culture and Youth of Singapore, in the city-state, 74% of the population goes in for sports at least once a week.


Chip that quantifies air pollutants accurately

A chip developed by researchers led by Prof Ling Xing Yi of NTU's School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology may aid in the monitoring of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.


Singapore offered an unusual way to combat the impact of extreme heat

The initiative includes recommendations for three levels of risk under heat stress – low, moderate and high. They are determined based on an indicator that takes into account air temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar radiation. Parameter values will be fixed on nine sensors across Singapore and their network will be expanded over the next two years. With the help of recommendations, residents will be able to check the level of heat stress based on data from the nearest sensor on a special website.

"Due to climate change, many countries around the world, including Singapore, are experiencing rising temperatures, so it is important for the population to adapt," the government said in a press release.


Singtel, StarHub and M1 to retire 3G services by end-July 2024

Mobile network operators Singtel, StarHub and M1 will retire their 3G services by Jul 31 next year. The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) said on Wednesday (Jul 26) that the move is in view of advancements in the mobile communication space where 3G has been largely replaced by 4G and 5G.

2023-07-27 09:45