V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue successfully held

The Russia-Singapore Business Council, established at the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation with the support of the State Corporation «Rostec» holds the Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue every year. This year the V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue was held on September 2 via videoconference betweenSingapore, Vladivostok and Moscow. In Singapore, the event took place at the Foreign Promotion Center of Russian High-Tech Companies and Presentation of Investment Projects, in Vladivostok - on the territory of the Far East Federal University on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

“Our event brings together representatives of large and medium-sized enterprises, investment funds and business accelerators, heads of state and municipal governments, media and public organizations. The purpose of the Business Dialogue is to exchange practical experiences and to seek ways to expand and strengthen the economic, political and cultural relations between Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union countries and Singapore and the ASEAN countries», noted the Chairman of the Russia-Singapore Business Council, Deputy CEO of the State Corporation «Rostec» Nikolay Volobuev in his welcome speech.

Svinin Alexander, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Singapore, made an opening speech from Singapore, announcing new figuresof the trade turnover betweenRussia and Singapore in the first half of 2021. Pronin Sergey,Vice Chairman - Executive Director of the RSBC, introduced the updated of business infrastructure of the Russia-Singapore Business Council in Russia and Singapore, which includes the specialized trading digital platform, permanent exhibition of Russian goods and services in Singapore and distributed regional engineering centers created with the support of the State Corporation «Rostec».  

At the Business-Dialogue, the theme of which is ««Partnership in the era of digitization and new challenges of global security», Soloviev Alexander, the representative of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Singapore, emphasizedaspects of educational and cultural cooperation between the two countries. Shorin Vladlen, General Director of “RT-Tekhpriemka” JSC, spoke about the features of automation of business processes in conditions of high competition on international markets. “I want to point out that there is a need to strengthen inter-university cooperation on the part of both countries in the training of qualified specialists, there is great demand for them in the markets. It is very important to involve potential employers in this work». Diesperov Konstantin, head of the Engineering and Production Center of the RSBC, presented the experience of organizing international cooperation on the current projects of the companies of Business Council and the Corporation. Secko Anastasiia, coordinator of the youth work direction of the RSBC, made a presentation on science-technical cooperation between the two countries in the context of relevant joint projects in the fields of information and telecommunication technologies, security and software development. The results of the work of the Russia-Singapore Youth Business Council were summarized in the statement of the Chairman of the Economic Club of MGIMO Golub Grigory «Creation of enabling environment for the development of youth projects in Russia and Singapore». Mrs Winnie Teo, representative of the RSBC in the region, made a speech from the Singapore-based Foreign Promotion Centre of Russian High-Tech Products and Presentation of Investment Projects to the RSBC. She shared with the participants of the forum the experience of foreign promotion of goods and services in conditions of global challenges on the example of distribution in the region of JSC «Shvabe» products and building engineering cooperation of Russian and Singaporean high-tech companies.

Business-Dialogue was concluded by the discussion «Experience of foreign promotion of Russian high-tech products of RSBC», in which representatives of business-community of two countries participated. At the end of the event, participants stressed the need for the development of international engineering cooperation, as well as the creation of new generations of engineering and production personnel through cooperation in the education. Participants of the Business Dialogue have decided on the importance of involving representatives of interested parties in the dialogue and substantive work. Organizers of the Business Dialogue were invited to include these issues in the agenda of the next - VI Russia-Singapore Business-Dialogue.

V Russia-Singapore BusinessDialogue was held with the support of JSC «Rosoboronexport», JSC «Russian Helicopters », PJSC «Ufa Engine Industrial Association», PJSC «Aviation Holding Company «Sukhoi», JSC «Siber», JSC «RT-Okhrana», JSC «RT-Fire Safety», JSC «Cheboksary production association n.a. V.I. Chapaev», JSC «Krasnozavodsk Chemical Factory», PJSC «Novosibirsk Mechanical Plant «Iskra», JSC «Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies», JSC «Scientific-production enterprise «ELTOM», JSC «RPE «Izmeritel» and JSC «Ramensky Instrument Engineering Plant».
2021-09-03 13:04