RSBC took part in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Moscow Metropolitan Governance Yury Luzhkov University

On 27th of April 2023 the representatives of Russia-Singapore Business Council (RSBC) participated online in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Public Information Resources for City and Citizens" which was organised by the Moscow Metropolitan Governance Yury Luzhkov University.

The aim of the conference was to find effective strategies for the development of public and information resources for the city and its citizens under the conditions of digital changes and increased information security of users. The industry experts, representatives of the authorities, scientists and businessmen discussed the development of targeted communication approach in information resources management to improve life quality of citizens; digitalization of business communications in entrepreneurship under the influence of Big Data technology, use of Big Data in socially significant public digital services.

Within presentation, the representatives of the RSBC talked about Singapore's successful experience in implementing information and digital technologies, artificial intelligence to develop information exchange between the population, government and business, and also talked about promising industries in which Russia and Asia-Pacific countries can develop cooperation. One of such initiatives is a project to develop digital regions and cities using the example of the Punggol Digital District in Singapore.

"Nowadays information technologies has become an integral part of government, business and people's activities. The use of information technologies can optimize business processes and reduce costs. Big Data and artificial intelligence can help companies better understand the needs and preferences of their customers, thereby improving people's well-being and contributing to the development of the state. Thus, based on RSBC, the project of Digital Platform in Russia is being implemented. The project will enable the formation of a permanent global digital presence of Russian high-tech business; it will facilitate the formation of international engineering and manufacturing cooperation based on contract manufacturing to create a competitive product and affect the realization of industrial potential", said the Deputy Chairman - Executive Director of RSBC Sergey Pronin.

Thus, information, digital technologies, artificial intelligence and Big Data have many applications in various fields and their significance is constantly growing. The use of digital technologies and Big Data can help public administrations and business communities better understand the needs and preferences of their citizens and more effectively address social and economic problems.
2023-04-27 16:22