RSBC took part in Aero India 2023

Russia-Singapore Business Council (RSBC) attended the 14th Aero India 2023 international aerospace exhibition held from February 13-17 at Yelahanka Air Base, Bangalore, India.

"Nowadays the application of high-tech products in the aviation industry is one of the most important factors for the creation of competitive aviation equipment for various purposes. In recent years, information and digital technologies, high-tech products, used, among other things, to solve the problems of technical (technological) preparation of production and support its effective functioning, have received the greatest development and spread in the global aviation industry. In this case, it is worth emphasizing the role of RSBC in the promotion of high-tech products in the markets of EAEU, ASEAN, China and India. The international information and service B2B Platform RSTrade designed to promote Russian industrial goods of the non-primary sector of the economy in the markets of South-East Asia, the Middle East, India and China, and also represents high-tech products and goods of industrial and civil purposes. With RSTrade platform, countries and businesses can develop business contacts and enhance the role of interested representatives of the Russian business community for the formation and implementation of public policy in the field of international economic relations, "- said the Deputy Chairman - Executive Director of RSBC Sergey Pronin.

Russia-Singapore Business Council takes part in such large-scale and significant events on a regular basis, since they promote cooperation with strategic partners and establish closer ties in various humanitarian and technical areas.