Singapore digest news (02.05-06.05)

Photo by Sergey Pronin

Report on Singapore's ESG agenda prepared by the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Singapore
The report contains not only the latest trends, but also legislative initiatives and interesting sustainability start-ups.
Read the report at

Singapore decides to develop energy cooperation with Vietnam
The Vietnamese side appreciated Singapore's proposal to develop a bilateral partnership in the energy sector. The two sides noted the progress of bilateral cooperation in industry and energy. Vietnam and Singapore agreed to maintain an exchange mechanism to put forward concrete ideas on energy cooperation.

Singapore loses $5.7 billion to energy price fluctuations
Fluctuations in global energy prices over the past few months have caused Singapore to lose $5.7 billion. This was revealed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He urged Singaporeans to prepare for further economic challenges, including higher prices. The prime minister expects the country to go into recession within the next two years. This is because Singapore imports almost all of its energy. The politician noted that refocusing on the domestic market and boosting domestic production is suitable for large countries, but Singapore cannot afford it.

Property rents in Singapore have risen in price due to Hong Kong residents
Rents on private homes in Singapore increased by 4.2% in the first quarter of 2022. However, the growth is associated not only with the flow of visitors from Hong Kong. It's also a big demand from young people who want to live separately from their parents. In addition the crisis has caused construction delays and people who have not yet received flats and houses are forced to live in rented accommodation. In May 2022 one person can rent a bed for 16-25 dollars per night, but such rooms can accommodate from 8 to 18 people - and without gender distinctions.

Ramazan Emeev will appear at the UFC tournament in Singapore
Ramazan Emeev will take part in the UFC tournament which will be held on July 11 in Singapore. His opponent will be Australian Jack Della Maddalena. This fight will be the eighth in a row for the Russian fighter, his record in the American promotion counts five wins and two losses.
2022-05-06 12:21